The religious work of the mosaicist Charles Carrère can be found both on the facades of churches and inside them.
In Anglet, there are two mosaics by Charles Carrère on the façade of the Sainte Trinité church
The first is the name of the church which the mosaicist has integrated into a triangle. The symbolism is obvious: the triangle rests on its base, alluding to stability, and the point symbolises elevation.

The second is a very colourful compass rose with the Greek letters Phi, Omega and Sigma in the centre, which form the word Phos meaning light. This can be said to refer to the Genesis “Let there be light”. The compass rose displays its four directions which indicate the prevailing winds. This is the order of the world. For Ezekiel, he sees in his vision four letters, those of the name of God. For Christians, the four arms of the cross are represented. An article will soon be devoted to these two strong symbols in a Focus

In Olhette, in the Garicoïts chapel, Charles Carrère made a Way of the Cross that was completely integrated into the plaster of the wall.

Charles Carrère began working as a glassmaker in this chapel in Olhette. The stained glass windows that adorn the chapel are by Jean Lesquibe. Charles Carrère contributed to their creation and installation. Later, when he was self-employed, Charles Carrère returned to this chapel to create a mosaic Way of the Cross. Photo©JanieC

The Way of the Cross in this chapel has 14 stations. Charles Carrère’s method for making the Stations of the Cross was to mix cement, sand and lime in a form outside the wall. He then sinks the tesserae (pieces of mosaic) directly into the mixture. For each station he digs a small alcove in the wall plaster. Then, before the mosaic mixture has hardened, he places the mosaic form in the recess and plasters the wall around the form. Later when everything is dry the wall will be repainted. A more complete article will be produced in a Focus.

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